24 Hour Clock Conversion Online

How to convert 24 hour to 12 hour clock time? Convert 24-hour clock into 12-hour format. Learn the procedure for 24 Hour Clock Conversion from here. 

How to use 24 Hour Clock Conversion?

Help your child to complete the homework with our 24 hour clock conversion calculator. Learn how to convert from 24 hour format into 12 hour clock format. Get the steps for 24 hour clock conversion from this article.

1. Enter the time you want to convert in the empty field.

2. Click on the convert button and wait for a few seconds.

3. The converted time will appear on the screen.

24-Hour Clock

Usually, 24 hour clock format is used in computers, the military, etc. The 24 hour clock is written in the form of hours and minutes.

How to Convert from 24 hour clock to 12 hour clock?

1. You have to add 12 to the first hour and include AM.

2. Include AM for the time between 00:00 to 11:59 in the day.

3. Include PM for the time between 12:00 to 11:59.

FAQs on 24-Hour Clock Conversion

1. What is 12 AM in 24-hour time?

12 AM in the 24-hour clock format is 00:00 (midnight)

2. What is 12.30 am in 24-hour format?

12:30 AM in the 24-hour clock conversion is 00:30 AM.

3. What time is 4 pm in 24 hour time?

4 PM in 24-hour time is 16:00

24 Hour Clock Conversion