Dividend, Divisor, and Quotient Calculator

The Dividend Divisor and Quotient Calculator over here will give you the relationship between Dividend, Divisor, Quotient, and Remainder values. You can find out the unknown value in the division equation easily after entering the inputs. All you have to do is provide the inputs dividend and divisor in the online tool and hit the calculate button to find the other two. 

Dividend, Divisor, and Quotient Calculator: Find the values of the main aspects used in the division using the online calculator for Dividend, Divisor, and Quotient from here. Type in the input values and our calculator will take care of everything. Continue reading this page to know about the terms Dividend, Divisor, Quotient, and Remainder, the formula that states the relationship between each of them, its derivation, and a few worked-out examples explaining the concept for better understanding.

Terms Involved in the Division

Let us talk about the main aspects of the Division Process here. They are along the lines

  • Dividend: A Dividend is a number that is divided by thedivisor.
  • Divisor: Divisor is the number that divides the dividend.
  • Quotient: The result obtained after the division process is called Quotient.
  • Remainder: The Number left behind after finishing the division process is called Remainder.

Dividend Divisor Quotient Remainder Formula

Dividend Divisor Quotient Remainder Formula states the relationship between the dividend, divisor, quotient, and remainder. The formula is given by the equation Dividend = Divisor × Quotient + Remainder. You can use this formula to verify the result obtained in the division method.

Dividend Divisor Quotient Remainder Formula Derivation

Let us say we have a/b = c where a is the dividend, b is the divisor and c is the quotient. 

To put this in other words we can write the equation as Dividend/Divisor = Quotient

Dividend = Divisor x Quotient

To obtain the Quotient we can write from the above equation as Quotient = Dividend/Divisor

In the same way Divisor = Dividend/Quotient

If you have any remainder left after the division procedure we can write the equation as

Dividend = Divisor x Quotient + Remainder

Thus the Dividend Divisor Quotient and Remainder Formula is derived.

Worked Out Examples on Dividend Divisor Quotient and Remainder

Example 1:

Find the Quotient and Remainder when the dividend is 60 and the divisor is 12. 


Given Dividend = 60

Divisor = 12

60÷12 = 5

Quotient = 5

Remainder = 0

Thus, the quotient is 5 and the remainder is 0.

Example 2:

Find the dividend when the remainder is 2, the divisor is 4, and the quotient is 40.


Given Remainder = 2

Divisor = 4

Quotient = 40

Dividend = Divisor x Quotient + Remainder

Dividend = 4x40+2

= 80+2

= 82

Therefore, the dividend is 82.

Make use of the calculators present on our site Roundingcalculator.guru and simplify your calculations.

FAQs on Dividend Divisor Quotient and Remainder Calculator

1. What is a Divisor?

A Divisor is a number that divides the Dividend.

2. What is the relationship between Dividend Divisor Quotient and Remainder?

 The relationship between Dividend Divisor Quotient and Remainder is given by Dividend = Divisor x Quotient + Remainder.

3. Is a number divisor of itself?

Yes, a number is a divisor of itself.

Dividend Divisor And Quotient Mean Calculator