Percent to Fraction Calculator

Percent to Fraction Calculator is a free online tool to convert percent into the fraction easily. The users will get the results in no time. To convert the given percentage value into the fractional form we have to divide the number by 100. Percentage to Fraction Online calculator is very easy to use.

How to Convert Percent to Fraction?

Fractions and percentages are used in our daily life. Percent are used for comparing marks and it is a fraction of the whole number. Let us see the steps to convert percentages to fractions from here.

Method 1:

1.Divide the given percentage by 100. We will get the decimal number.

2.Count the number of digits after the decimal point.

3. Now multiply and divide the given number by 100.

4. Find the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of the obtained fraction.

5. Simplify the fraction into the lowest terms.

Method 2:

1. Divide the given percent by 100 to get the decimal.

2. Multiply and divide by 100 to get the fraction.

3. Simplify the fraction by the GCD.

How to use Percent to Fraction Calculator Online?

Go through the steps given below to know how to use percent to fraction calculator. This free online calculator helps us to convert percentage into the fraction form into the simplest form.

1. Enter the percent value in the input field.

2. Click on the calculate button to convert from percent to fraction.

3. The output will be displayed on the screen into the fractional form.

FAQs on how to convert percent to fraction using online calculator

1. What is 7% as fraction?

7% in fraction is equal to 7/100

It has no other factors so the percent into fraction is 7/100.

2. How to convert percent to fraction using calculator?

Candidates can use the percent to fraction conversion calculator easily by just entering the percent values in the inputs and hit the calculate button. After a few seconds the output will be displayed on your screen in the fractional form.

3. How do we write 70% into fraction?

70% can be written in the fraction form as 70/100

Simplify 70/100 in the lowest terms.

Percent To Fraction Calculator