Area of Circle Calculator Online with Steps

The area of the circle is the region occupied by the circle. The area of a circle is pi multiplied by the square of the radius. The formula for the area of the circle is πr². Area of circle calculator is an online tool that calculates and area of the circle for free within fraction of seconds. Our tool helps to calculate the area of the circle with a given diameter or radius of the circle.

How to Calculate Area of Circle using Calculator?

Calculate the area of a circle simply with the help of our online calculator. Know how to find the area of the circle using our online calculator. Follow the instructions given below to know to use the area of circle calculator.

Step 1: Enter the value of r or d and pi in the required input fields.

Step 2: Select the units.

Step 3: Click on the calculate button to find the area of the circle.

Step 4: Output will be appeared on the screen.

Area of a Circle Formula

The formula for the area of the circle is πr²

where pi = 3.14

r = radius of the circle

Area of a circle with diameter = π(d/2)²

where d = diameter of the circle

FAQs on Area of Circle Calculator with steps

1. How do you find the area with diameter?

You can find the area of the circle with diameter by using the formula

A = π (d/2)²

where d is the diameter of the circle.

2. What is the area of a 7 radius circle?

The formula for the area of the circle is πr²

A = 3.14 × 7 × 7 = 153.86 square units.

3. What is the area of a circle with radius 1 unit?

The formula for the area of the circle is πr²

A = 3.14 × 1 × 1 = 3.14 sq. units

Area Of Circle Calculator