Rounding to the Nearest Ones Calculator

Created By : Jatin Gogia
Reviewed By : Phani Ponnapalli
Last Updated at : Sep 22,2023

Utilize our free & handy tool ie., Rounding to the nearest ones calculator and make your calculations of rounding to the nearest whole number at a faster pace. Just provide the input in the given fields and tap the calculate button to get the output rounded to nearest 1 in a few seconds.


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Rounding to the Nearest Ones Calculator: One of the best techniques to make any decimal number simpler or shorter is rounding to the nearest 1 whole number. We have compiled the information about rounding off numbers to nearest whole numbers on this page. Here, we will find details like what is round to nearest one, how to round off to the nearest whole number, solved round numbers to nearest ones examples, etc. Also, opt for our Rounding to the nearest ones online calculator and make your calculations easier and faster.

Detailed Steps to Round Off Numbers to the Nearest Ones

To find the nearest whole number of a decimal number, we need to look at the tenth place digit, which is the digit just after the decimal point. If that digit is equal to 5 or greater than 5, we add 1 to the ones place digit of the number and remove the decimal part of the number. However, when that tenth place digit is less than 5, we keep the digit at ones place as it is and remove the decimal part. Let us understand this better with the help of an example.

If you want to find the nearest ones whole number for the given decimal number, then check out the steps furnished below:

  • First, look at the ones digit before the decimal point.
  • Now, take the tenth digit which is first position after the decimal point into consideration.
  • If the tenth digit is greater than 5 or equal to 5, then add 1 to the ones place and remove decimal point from the given number.
  • If it is less than 5, then keep the ones digit as it is and remove the decimal part.

Take a look at the below table and understand the concept efficiently and perform the complex problems manually with ease. Also, try using our other online rounding off decimals & number & fractions calculators from and get the result in split seconds.

Rounding Off to Nearest Ones Whole Number Examples

Number Rounded to Nearest Ones
1 1
1.1 1
1.2 1
1.3 1
1.4 1
1.5 2
1.6 2
1.7 2
1.8 2
1.9 2
2 2
2.1 2
2.2 2
2.3 2
2.4 2
2.5 3
2.6 3
2.7 3
2.8 3
2.9 3
3 3
3.1 3
3.2 3
3.3 3
3.4 3
3.5 4
3.6 4
3.7 4
3.8 4
3.9 4
4 4
4.1 4
4.2 4
4.3 4
4.4 4
4.5 5
4.6 5
4.7 5
4.8 5
4.9 5
5 5
5.1 5
5.2 5
5.3 5
5.4 5
5.5 6
5.6 6
5.7 6
5.8 6
5.9 6
6 6
6.1 6
6.2 6
6.3 6
6.4 6
6.5 6
6.6 7
6.7 7
6.8 7
6.9 7
7 7
7.1 7
7.2 7
7.3 7
7.4 7
7.5 7
7.6 8
7.7 8
7.8 8
7.9 8
8 8
8.1 8
8.2 8
8.3 8
8.4 8
8.5 8
8.6 9
8.7 9
8.8 9
8.9 9
9 9
9.1 9
9.2 9
9.3 9
9.4 9
9.5 9
9.6 10
9.7 10
9.8 10
9.9 10
10 10
10.1 10
10.2 10
10.3 10
10.4 10
10.5 11
10.6 11
10.7 11
10.8 11
10.9 11

What Does it Mean to Round to the Nearest 1?

Take down the whole number that is immediately after the decimal number is called rounding to the nearest ones whole number. For example, rounded value of 2.7 to the nearest ones is 3.

FAQs on Free Online Rounding to the Nearest Whole Number Calculator

1. How do you round to the nearest 1?

To round to nearest ones, follow the set of rules discussed below:

  • If the rounding digit is 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, change all digits to the right of it to zeroes.
  • If the rounding digit is 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, add one to the rounding digit and change all digits to the right of it to zeroes.


2. What is 3.5 rounded to the nearest one?

After performing the rounding technique, 3.5 rounded to the nearest one is 4.

3. How do you round a specified number to the nearest 1 or whole number?

By following the formula rules, we can easily round a particular number to the nearest ones. Also, you can verify the answers using online rounding to the nearest ones calculator from

4. What is 1.1 rounded to the nearest whole number?

1.1 rounded to the nearest whole number is 1.

5. What is the Nearest Ones Whole Number Calculator?

Nearest ones whole number calculator is a free tool that rounds the first digit before the decimal point of a number in short span of time.

Rounding to the Nearest Ones Calculator