Divisible by 8 Calculator

Make use of our free Divisible by 8 Calculator to quickly know whether any given number is a multiple of 8 or not. This tool provides the exact result within seconds by just taking the input number.

divisible by 8

Divisibility Test of 8 Calculator: Are you really looking for help to confirm a number is divisible by 8? If yes, then you have arrived at the correct place. Here we are giving the divisibility rule for eight definition, steps to tell that a number is divided by 8, and solved example questions for your reference.

What is the Divisibility Rule of 8?

The divisibility test of 8 states that if the hundredth digit is even and the last two digits are divided by 8, then the whole number is divisible by 8 which is the Even Rule. If the hundredth digit is odd and the last 2 digits plus 4 are divided by 8, then the given number is divided by 8 and it is called Odd Rule.

How to Tell If a Number is Divisible by 8?

Perform the following operations to say that the number is divisible by 8.

  • Let us take any long number that has a minimum of 3 digits.
  • If the hundredth digit of the number is even, then follow the even rule.
  • Divide the leftover number with the tenth and unit digits by 8.
  • If it is a multiple of 8, then the number is divided by 8.
  • When a number hundredth digit is an odd number, then follow the odd rule.
  • Add 4 to the last 2 digits of the given number and divide it by 8.
  • If it is divisible, then the number is divided by 8.

Solved Example on Divisible by 8

Example 1:

Is 60 divisible by 8?


Given number is 60

The hundredth digit of the number is 0.

0 is an even number, so follow the even rule.

Check whether the last two digits 60 divided by 8

60 is not divisible by 8

So, 60 is not divisible by 8.

Example 2:

Is 5788 divisible by 8?


Given number is 5788

The hundredth digit of the number is 7.

7 is an odd number, so follow the odd rule

Check if the last two digits 88 divided by 8

88 is divisible by 8

So, 5788 is divisible by 8.

FAQs on Divisible by 8

  1. Write down the divisibility rule for 8?

According to the divisibility rule of 8, when a number is divisible by 8 then the last three digits of the number are divided by 8.

  1. What are the numbers divisible by 8 from 1 to 100?

The list of numbers between 1 and 100 and divisible by 8 are 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, and 96.

  1. Which is not divisible by 8?

When a number is divisible by 8 if the last 3 digits are divisible by 8.

Divisible By 8 Calculator