Minutes in Decimal Calculator Online

Convert from minutes to decimal hours with the help of Minutes in Decimal Caculator. Time to Decimal Calculator is an online tool that is used to convert the time format from minutes to decimal places. Get the steps to use Minutes in Decimal Conversion Calculator Online with examples here.

Decimal of:

Learn how to convert minutes to decimal here. If the number of minutes is less than 60 divide by 60. Then the decimal is minutes in decimal hours. Let us find what is 10 minutes in Decimal hours from this page.

The time of 10 minutes written as a fraction of an hour in decimal form is equal to 0.167

Get step by step conversion process to convert from minutes to decimal hours from below.

Steps to Convert 10 minutes in Decimal Form

Step 1: Change the given time 10 minutes into fraction form.

Step 2: Change the fraction into the decimal form.

Write 10 minutes into the fraction form.

1 hour = 60 minutes

x = 10 minutes

x = 10/60

x = 1/6 hour in the lowest terms

Now we have to convert fractions into decimal form

1/6 = 0.1666

The round figure of 0.1666 is 0.167 hour

So, the value of 10 minutes in the decimal form is 0.167 hour

Therefore, 10 minutes in decimal form is equal to 0.167 hour

FAQs on How to write 10 minutes as a decimal hour

1. How to write 10 minutes as a decimal of an hour?

i. First, change 10 minutes into the fraction.

ii. Convert fraction into the decimal form.

iii. Divide 10 minutes by 60 minutes becomes 1/6

iv. Convert 1/6 into a decimal that equals 0.167 hour

2. What are the minutes in decimal hours?

Divide the given number of minutes by the number of minutes in an hour. Convert the obtained fraction into the decimal hour.

3. What decimal is 10 minutes of an hour?

The decimal of 10 minutes of an hour is 0.167 hours.

Minutes To Decimal Calculator