Rounding Fractions To the Nearest Hundredth Calculator

Created By : Prasanna
Reviewed By : Phani Ponnapalli
Last Updated at : May 6,2023

Rounding Fractions to the Nearest Hundredth Calculator is a free tool that helps to round any fraction to the nearest 100th quickly. Provide the fraction as input of the calculator and press the calculate button to find the round-off fraction as output as soon as possible.

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Rounding Fractions To the Nearest Hundredth Calculator: Do you need assistance on rounding fractions to the nearest hundredths? Then make use of our online calculator. Check out the following sections if you want to learn the manual process to round fractions to the nearest 100. Also, obtain the rounding fractions to the nearest hundredths rules and solved problems to make you understand the concept better.

Rules to Round off Fractions to the Nearest 100

In general, we have 4 important rules for rounding fractions to the nearest 100th. Follow them while solving the questions.

  1. If the last digit in the fractional part is less than 5, remove it from the fractional part.
  2. If the last digit in the fraction part is equal to 5 or more and the second digit is less than 9, then add 1 to the second digit and remove the last digit.
  3. If the last digit in the fraction part is 5 or more and the first, second digits are 9, then add 1 to the integer part and make the fraction part as zeros.
  4. If the last digit in the fractional part is 5 or more, the second digit is 9 and the first digit is less than 9, then add 1 to the first digit, change the second digit as 0 and remove the third digit.

Steps to Round Fractions to the Nearest Hundredth

Follow the guidelines provided below to find out the rounded fraction to the nearest hundredth easily. They are along the lines

  • Take a fraction.
  • Divide the numerator by the denominator and consider first three numbers of fractional part.
  • Use the Rounding rules of fractions to the nearest hundredth and make changes to the fractional part of the number.
  • multiply the numerator and denominator of the decimal number by 100.
  • Solve it to get the rounded fraction.


Question: What is 34/6 is rounded to the nearest hundredth?


Given fraction is 34/6

Convert the fraction into decimal

34/6 = 5.666

Here, integer part is 5, fractional part is 0.666

By applying the Rule II of rounding rules, add 1 to second digit and remove third digit of fractional part.

So, 34/6 = 5.67

Multiply and divide the number by 100

(5.67 x 100)/(100) = 567/100

Therefore, 34/6 rounded to the nearest hundredth is 567/100.

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FAQ's on Rounding Fractions To the Nearest 100

1. How do you round fractions on a calculator?

You just need to enter the fraction numerator, denominator in the specified input field of the calculator and click on the calculate button. The rounded value of the fraction will appear on the screen quickly.

2. What is round off to the nearest 100?

Rounding to the nearest hundredth means eliminating the digits after the hundredth position. To round a decimal to the nearest 100th, look at the tens digit of the number. If the tens digit value is less than 5, round down the previous number. Otherwise, round up the next digit.

3. How do you round a fraction to the nearest hundredth?

At first, convert the fraction into a decimal. Check the rounding rules and apply them to find the rounded fraction to the nearest 100th.

4. What is 58/13 rounded to the nearest hundredth?

The given fraction is 58/13

58/13 = 4.461

According to the rounding rules, if the last digit in the fractional part is lesser than 5, remove the last digit of the fractional part.

So, 4.461 becomes 4.46

Divide decimal format by 1

4.46 = 4.46/1

Multiply both numerator, denominator by 100 to eliminate decimal part.

(4.46 x 100)/(1 x 100) = 446/100

= 423/50

Therefore, 58/13 rounded to the nearest hundredth is 423/50.

Rounding Fractions To the Nearest Hundredth Calculator