Rounding to the Nearest Kilometer Calculator

Created By : Jatin Gogia
Reviewed By : Phani Ponnapalli
Last Updated at : May 6,2023

Take the help of free Rounding to the Nearest Kilometer Calculator to round off decimal numbers to the nearest kilometer. You just have to enter the known number in the input field of the calculator and click on the calculate button to get the rounded value as result.

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Round off to the Nearest Kilometer Calculator: This online calculator tool gives the rounded to the nearest km value by taking the required input fields. Learn about what is meant by rounding to the nearest kilometer, its rules and detailed steps to round numbers. Also, get the worked examples on rounding to the nearest kilometer in the following sections.

What is Round to Nearest Kilometer?

The method of rounding decimal numbers to the nearest kilometer means round off to the nearest whole number. In this process, we need to eliminate fractional part of the number and represent nearest integer as rounded to the kilometer.

Example: Rounding of 158.62 to the nearest kilometer is 159 km.

Worked Questions on Rounding Numbers to Nearest km

Question 1: What is 483.2 km to the nearest kilometer?


Given number is 483.2 km

The digit at tenth place is 2 which is less than 5.

So, round down the number.

Therefore, 483.2 km rounded to the nearest kilometer is 482 km.

Question 2: What is 190.58 rounded to the nearest kilometer?


Given number is 190.58

The digit at tenths place is 5.

So, round up the number. Add 1 to the number.

190 + 1 = 191

So, 190.58 rounded to the nearest kilometer is 191 km.

FAQs on Round off to the Nearest Kilometer Calculator

1. How do you round to the nearest kilometer?

The simple rules to round numbers to the nearest km are here. If the digit at the tenth place is lesser than 5, then round down. When the digit at the tenth place is equal to or more than 5, then round up the number.

2. Find 167.47 km rounded to the nearest kilometer?

Given input is 167.47 km

The digit at tenths place 4 < 5.

So, round down the number.

167.47 km rounded to the nearest kilometer is 167.

3. Which website gives the best calculator to round off to nearest kilometer?

Check to get the rounding calculator that gives the nearest kilometer value.

4. How to use Rounding to the Nearest Kilometer Calculator?

If you wanted to use the Round to Nearest Kilometer Calculator, then you have to enter the decimal number as input and press the calculate button to get the answer as output within seconds.

Rounding to the Nearest Kilometer Calculator