Rounding Calculator

Free Rounding Calculator makes it easy for you to do calculations easily. Get the rules for rounding decimal numbers or fractions or mixed numbers and so on. This Round off Calculator helps for rounding the numbers in a short span of time and provides the detailed explanation. So, make use of our handy Rounding Calculator to solve your questions effortlessly and get grip on the concept.

Rounding Numbers, Decimals, Money, Unit Calculator

Rounding means estimating and finding the approximate values. Here, you can access the respective concept Online Round Calculators with the help of the below links and make your calculations easier and faster. Get the accurate results along with a explanation for your rounding problems.

Rounding Calculators List

Sig Fig Rounding Calculator

Example: Round 185263 to 4 significant figures.

Given number is 185263

The number should be rounded to 4 significant figures

The digit should be rounded is 2 which is lesser than 5 so round down the number.

Therefore, 185263 is rounded to 4 significant figures is 185000.

Rounding Fractions Calculator

Example: What is 15/6 rounded to the nearest whole number?

Given fraction is 15/6

First, convert the fraction into a decimal number by dividing the numerator by denominator

15/6 = 2.5

Round the decimal number to the nearest whole number.

The decimal part 0.5 is equal to 0.5. So, add 1 to the integer part and eliminate decimal part

15/6 rounded to the nearest whole number is 3.

Rounding Fractions to the Nearest Half Calculator

Example: Round 23/8 to the nearest half.

Given fraction is 23/8

First, convert the fraction into a decimal number by dividing the numerator by denominator

23/8 = 2.875

Round the decimal number to the nearest half.

The decimal part 0.87 is above 0.75. So, add 1 to the integer part and eliminate decimal part

23/8 rounded to the nearest half is 3.

Rounding Fractions to the Nearest Hundredth Calculator

Example: What is 41/9 rounded to the nearest hundredth?

Given fraction is 41/9

Convert the fraction into a decimal number by dividing the numerator by denominator

41/9 = 4.555

There are two parts to the decimal number.

Integer part is 4 and fractional part is 555

Make the fractional part just two digits by using rounding rules.

Rounding rule says that if the last digit in the fractional part is 5 and the second digit in the fractional aprt is less than 9, then add 1 to the second digit and remove third digit.

So, 41/9 rounded to the nearest hundredth in decimal format is 4.56

4.56 in fractional format is 456/100.

Rounding Fractions to the Nearest Tenth Calculator

Example: Round 15/8 to the nearest tenth.

Given fraction is 15/8

Convert the fraction into a decimal number by dividing the numerator by denominator

15/8 = 1.87

There are two parts to the decimal number.

Integer part is 1 and fractional part is 87

Make the fractional part just one digit by using rounding rules.

Rounding rule says that if the second digit in the fractional part is more than 5 and the first digit in the fractional aprt is less than 9, then add 1 to the first digit and remove second digit.

So, 15/8 rounded to the nearest tenth in decimal format is 1.9

1.9 in fractional format is 19/10.

Rounding Mixed Numbers Calculator

Example: What is 15(8/9) rounded to the nearest half?

Given mixed number is 15(8/9)

Convert the mixed fraction to an improper fraction or fraction

15(8/9) = ((15x9)+8)/9

= 143/9

Divide the numerator by the denominator of the fraction

143/9 = 15.88

Round this decimal number using rounding rules.

If the number to the right of the decimal point is 75 or above, then we add 1 to the left side of the decimal point and make the right side 0.

88 is greater than 75. So, add 1 to the integer part and make decimal part as zero.

15 (8/9) rounded to the nearest half is 16.

Rounding Mixed Numbers to the Nearest Whole Number Calculator

Example: Round 18(5/7) to the nearest whole number.

Given mixed number is 18(5/7)

Convert the mixed fraction to an improper fraction or fraction

18(5/7) = ((18x7)+5)/7

= 131/7

Divide the numerator by the denominator the fraction

131/7 = 18.71

Round this decimal number using rounding rules.

If the number to the right of the decimal point is .5 or higher, then add 1 to the left of the decimal point.

0.71 is more than 0.5. So, add 1 to the left of the decimal point.

Therefore, 18(5/7) rounded to the nearest whole number is 19.

Rounding to the Nearest Inch Calculator

Example: What is 8 (3/4)" rounded to the nearest inch?

Given number is 8 (3/4)"

The fractional part is 3/4

3/4 is more than 1/2. Add 1 to the integer part

8 + 1 = 9

Therefore, 8 (3/4)" rounded to the nearest inch is 9.

Rounding Decimals Calculator

Example: What is 158.623 rounded to the nearest whole number.

Given decimal is 158.623

The tenths place digit is 6 so we round up and add 1 to the left of it.

Thus, 158.623 rounded to the whole number is 159.

Example: Round 158.623 to the nearest tenths.

Given decimal is 158.623

The hundredths place digit is 2 so we round down and remove all the digits next to the tenths place.

Thus, 158.623 rounded to the nearest tenths is 158.6

Example: Round 158.623 to the nearest hundredths.

Given decimal is 158.623

The thousandths place digit is 3 so we round down and remove all the digits next to the tenths place.

Thus, 158.623 rounded to the nearest hundredths is 158.62

Rounding Numbers Calculator

Example: Round 385672 to the nearest tens.

Given number is 385672

The number in the ones place is 2 which is less than 5. So, round down the number.

Rounded value of 385672 is 385670.

Therefore, 385672 is rounded to the nearest tens is 385670.

Example: Round 36985.63 to the nearest ones.

Given number is 36985.63

The number at the tenth's place is 6 which is above 5. So, round up the value.

rounded value of 36985.63 is 36986.

Therefore, 36985.63 rounded to the nearest ones is 36986.

Example: Round 385672 to the nearest hundreds.

Given number is 385672

The number in the tens place is 7 which is greater than 5. So, round up the number.

Rounded value of 385672 is 385700.

Therefore, 385672 is rounded to the nearest hundreds is 385700.

Rounding to the Nearest Billion Calculator

Example: Round 5,268,934,750 to the nearest billions.

Given number is 5,268,934,750

The digit at hundred millions place is 2 which less than 5. So, round down the number.

5,268,934,750 rounded to the nearest billions is 5,000,000,000.

Rounding to the Nearest Tenth Calculator

Example: What is 896.35 rounded to the nearest tenths?

Given number is 896.35

The number at hundredths place is 5 which is equal to 5. So, round up the number.

Therefore, 896.35 rounded to the nearest tenths is 896.4

Rounding to the Nearest Hundredth Calculator

Example: What is 1356.8975 rounded to the nearest hundredths?

Given number is 1356.8975

The number at thousandths place is 7 which is greater than 5. So round up the number.

Therefore, 1356.8975 rounded to the nearest hundredths is 1356.90.

Rounding to the Nearest Thousandth Calculator

Example: What is 1206.0362 rounded to the nearest thousandths?

Given number is 1206.0362

The number at the ten thousandths place is 2 which is less than 5. So round down the number

Therefore, 1206.0362 is rounded to the nearest thousandths is 1206.036.

Rounding to the Nearest Ones Calculator

Example: What is 256.93 rounded to the nearest ones?

Given number is 256.93

The number at the tenths place is 9 which is more than 5. So, round up the number.

Therefore, 256.93 is rounded to the nearest ones is 257.

Rounding to the Nearest Tens Calculator

Example: Round 589 to the nearest tens.

Given number is 589

The digit at ones place is 9 which is above 5. So, round up the number.

Therefore, 589 rounded to the nearest tens is 580.

Rounding to the Nearest Eighth Calculator

Example: What is 569 rounded to the nearest eighth?

Given number is 569

The nearest multiples of 569 are 560, 568, 576

Find the difference between each number and 569

560 - 569 = -9

568 - 569 = -1

576 - 569 = 7

Here, 568 produces less difference.

Therefore, 569 rounded to the nearest multiple of 8 is 568.

Round to the Nearest Cent Calculator

Example: What is 563.961 rounded to the nearest cent?

Given amount is 563.961

Firstly, check for the thousandths place

In this case, thousandths place is 1 and it is less than 5. So, round down.

Thus, 563.961 becomes 563.96

Therefore, 563.961 is rounded to the nearest cent is 563.96.

Round to the Nearest 5 Cents Calculator

Example: Round $6.227 to the nearest 5 cents?

Given amount is $6.227

$6.227 rounded to the nearest 5 cent value is $6.25.

Round to the Nearest 10 Cents Calculator

Example: Round 109.63 to the nearest 10 cents.

Given amount is 109.63

The digit at hundredths place is 3 which is below 5. So round down.

Thus, 109.63 rounded to the nearest 10 cents is 109.60.

Round to the Nearest 25 Cents Calculator

Example: What is 530.63 rounded to the nearest 25 cents?

Given amount is 530.63

Consider the value of xy i.e. two digits sequence next to the decimal value is 63

63 mod(25) = round up as the mod value is > 12

So, 530.63 rounded to the nearest 25 cents or the quater's place is 53063.00

Round to the Nearest Dollar Calculator

Example: Round the Amount $12.39 to the Nearest Dollar?

Given amount is $12.39

The First Step is to identify the tenth's place

As the tenth's place value is 3 i.e. less than 4 simply eliminate all the digits to the right of the decimal separator.

Thus it becomes $ 12 or( $ 12.00)

Therefore, $12.39 rounded to the nearest dollar is $12

Round to the Nearest Pound Calculator

Example: What is £9.56 Rounded to the Nearest Pound?

Given Amount £9.56

Check for the tenths place in the amount given

As it is 5 add 1 the value in pound's ones place by 1 and remove all the digits after the decimal point.

£9.56 rounded to the nearest pound is £10.

Round to the Nearest Whole Number Calculator

Example: Round 1256.53 to the nearest whole number.

Given number is 1256.53

The digit at tenths place is 5 which is equal to 5. So, round up the number.

Therefore, 1256.53 rounded to the nearest whole number is 1257.

Rounding Decimals to the Nearest Tenths Calculator

Example: What is 856.34 rounded to the nearest tenths?

Given number is 856.34

The digit at hundredth place is 4 which is lesser than 5. So, round down the number.

Therefore, 856.34 rounded to the nearest tenths is 856.3.

Rounding Decimals to the Nearest Hundredths Calculator

Example: Round 1542.369 to the nearest hundredths?

Given number is 1542.369

The digit at thousandths place is 9 which is more than 5. So, round up the number.

Thus, 1542.369 rounded to the nearest hundredths is 1542.37.

Round to the Nearest Integer Calculator

Example: What is 742.1 rounded to the nearest integer?

Given number is 742.1

The digit at the tenths place is 1 which is less than 5. So, round down the number.

Thus, 742.1 rounded to the nearest integer is 742.

Rounding to the Nearest Thousand Calculator

Example: Round 15206 to the nearest thousand.

Given number is 15206

The digit at hundred place is 2 which is less than 5. So, round down the number.

Thus, 15206 to the nearest thousand is 15,000.

Rounding to the Nearest Ten Thousand Calculator

Example: What is 185203 rounded to the nearest ten thousands place?

Given number is 185203

As the number at the thousands place is 5, round up the number.

So, 185203 to the nearest ten thousand is 190000.

Rounding to the Nearest Hundred Thousand Calculator

Example: Round 195215 to the nearest hundred thousands place.

Given number is 195215

As the number at the ten thousands place is 9, the number should be rounded up.

Thus, 195215 rounded to the nearest hundred thousands is 200000.

Rounding to one decimal places calculator

Example: What is 12.36 rounded to the one decimal place?

Given number is 12.36

The digit at hundredths place is 6

Since 6 > 5 we will round up.

Therefore, 12.36 rounded to the one decimal place is 12.4.

Rounding to two decimal places calculator

Example: What is 25.639 rounded to the two decimal places?

Given number is 25.639

The digit at thousandths place is 9

Since 9 > 5 we will round up.

Therefore, 25.639 rounded to the one decimal place is 25.64.

Rounding to three decimal places calculator

Example: What is 14.6872 rounded to the three decimal places?

Given number is 14.6872

The digit at ten thousandths place is 2

Since 2 < 5 we will round down.</

Therefore, 14.6872 rounded to the one decimal place is 14.687.

Rounding up Calculator

Example: Round up the decimal number 81.6 to the Nearest Whole Numbers.

Given number is 81.6

The number after the decimal point 6 which is greater than 5, so increase the value by 1 and simply remove all the digits after the decimal point.

So, 81.6 rounded to the Nearest Whole Numbers is 82.

Rounding to 3 Significant Figures Calculator

Example: What is 5.657 rounded to three significant figures?

Given number is 5.567

The fourth significant figure is 7 which is more than 5. So, round up the number.

Therefore, 5.657 rounded to three significant figures is 5.66.

Rounding Money Calculator

Example: Round $53.86 to the nearest dollar?

Given amount is $53.86

Look for the number right to the decimal point. i.e.8

As 8 is greater than 5, so we will round up to the nearest dollar.

Finally, $53.86 after rounding up to the nearest dollar, $54

Rounding to the Nearest Unit Calculator

Example: Approximate 58.23 to the Nearest Unit?

Given number is 58.23

The digit at tenths place is 2

So, round down

Therefore, 58.23 rounded to the nearest unit is 58.

Time Clock Rounding Calculator

Example: What is 12:05 rounded to the 1/10th of an hour?

Given time is 12:05

As we want to round to it 1/10th of an hour we will see whether it falls in the first or second class of 5-minute split interval

Since it is 05 minutes we will round up

Therefore, 12:05 rounded to the 1/10th of an hour is 13

Time Clock 15 Minutes Rounding Calculator

Example: Estimate 18:20 to the nearest 15 minutes?

Given time is 18:20

It means 18 hours 20 minutes

05 minutes is more than 7.5 minutes. So, round down the minutes

Therefore, 18:20 is rounded to the nearest quater hour is 18:15.

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FAQs - RoundingCalcualtor.Guru

1. What is rounding of numbers?

Rounding means replacing the number with an approximate value that has a shorter representation. It is done to obtain a value that is easier to report and communicate than the original one. It is a process of making a number simpler but keeping its value close to the original value.

2. What is called rounding up and rounding down of numbers?

The process of rounding up of numbers means if the decimal form and followed by the numbers 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 after the decimal point, then round the numbers up to the nearest whole number greater than the original. If a rounding number is followed by 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 then the round numbers down is called rounding down of numbers.

3. What are the rules in rounding decimal numbers?

The two important rules of rounding decimal numbers are rounding up and rounding down.

4. How do you round numbers on a calculator?

Give the numbers in the specified input field of the calculator and hit on the calculate button to get the rounded value in a fraction of seconds.